Monday, December 8, 2014

Making Paper Bricks - for winter

Whoops and here is a very old post I forgot to hit the publish button on from a year or two ago

Okay, decided to spend the day making paper bricks out of the junkmail, Basically you rip all the junk mail into small bits, throw it into a bucket of water. then stick them into a press and squeeze the water out, then let lay them out to dry in the sunshine, and then you have a pile of paper bricks to burn in winter.
Anyway  halfway through my assistants arrived and dived right in, literally, jumping in the buckets and tearing the paper up. Next step is putting it in the press


Basically you rip all the junk mail into small bits, throw it into a bucket of water. then stick them into a press and squeeze the water out, then let lay them out to dry in the sunshine, and then you have a pile of paper bricks to burn in winter.

 good use of the junkmail but is pretty bloody time consuming.

All good fun till Alex spotted a lego advert in a Warehouse mailer that Lottie was busily stomping underfoot, then there was a furious session of pulling paper out of each others buckets and slapping each other with wet paper

At least one post for 2014

Well 2014 is nearly over and I have achieved absolutely nothing, I'm still not a successful author my great novel of the human condition "Ernesto Bertorelli and the chihuahua of doom", my singing career is non-existant owing to the fact i can't sing and as for acting, I am probably the only Kiwi who hasn't appeared in a Lord of the rings movie, although I was followed around the backyard by a group of hot chicks yesterday, unfortunately they were of the feathered variety!.

So on to more realistic goals, I still don't have a full time job, I have had lots of temping work, I am slowly in the process of killing assorted vege gardens round the house in the vain hope of saving money by growing me own vege.

Bah Humbug to the world